As expected, the Holmdel Planning Board passed a resolution for a study of the property containing the Horn Antenna, a National Historic Landmark famous for confirming the Big Bang Theory, for possible “redevelopment”. At the meeting, the Township Planner, Kate Keller indicated that the study will take about two months to complete. Some members of the public expressed disappointment that the resolution was passed without allowing for public comments.
Once the study is completed, the Planning Board will then hold a hearing and the public will be allowed to make comments. After the hearing and public comments, the Planning Board will then recommend the property to be designated for “redevelopment” or not and will forward the recommendation to the Holmdel Township Committee for action.
As previously reported, three Holmdel grassroots groups, Citizens for Informed Land Use (CILU), Friends of Holmdel Open Space (FOHOS), and Preserve Holmdel (PH), have joined together and sponsored a petition urging the preservation of the historic Horn Antenna as well as the property on which the Antenna is located as a public park.
In a short four days, the petition has already gathered more than 2,600 signatures including many from not only outside Holmdel but outside the United States. See the link below for the petition.
Stay tuned!